Thursday, July 22, 2021



But because of its widespread consumption, it has become a favorite destination for crackers. (Crackers are highly skilled programmers with malicious intent.) Furthermore, Microsoft Windows requires more hardware tools and configurations with higher capabilities.

On the Microsoft Windows system, people use different software from different sources. Therefore, every user experience may be different when there is a barrier to the use of software and this makes it difficult to reach a specific source of barrier. Apple OS X: Apple OS X is also a proprietary operating system.

It is installed in a computer made by Apple company and it could not work on a machine other than Apple. The operating system is known for its high-end hardware and philosophical qualities, and users who are Apple's fans consider its use to be the best experience.

The system controls the entire hardware, operating system and software environment by Apple to make the user experience high compatibility and reliability. This type of system was considered very safe until now. But a recent malware-type program showed that even this system is not free of attackers. The system's compatibility and high-level experience are its main advantages, so the user has to work in a limited world controlled by Apple and the support for third party deployments is very limited.

Moreover, these products are very expensive. Real (Linux): Linux, like its predecessor Unix, is known for high performance, security, reliability and portability. The same type of Linux distribution can be obtained for hardware, no matter how old or low quality. It is stable for most personal configurations. The high-performance CLI, which has traditionally been a Unix capability, and the dominant strength of the GUI make it as user-friendly as the other two operating systems.

શિક્ષણ શરૂ કરવા બાબત રાજ્ય સંઘની રજુઆત

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