Monday, September 6, 2021

Ekam kasoti September 2021 Related Paripatra

Ekam kasoti September 2021 Related Paripatra

Youth Education is an online platform which provides NCERT videos, textbooks, exam paper generate and other useful material. This app helps you to learn, practice and manage day to day learning. And not just for topper but for all.

* Feature

– New 2020 NCERT books

– Textbook for standard 1 to 12(Gujarati medium).

– Exam paper generate for standard 6 to 12.(std 1 to 5 will be coming soon)

– Video for standard 1 to 12.

– Download text books.

– Entrance Exam.

– Create your own question paper in few moments.

* Some of the highlights of the study material in apps :-

1. Videos

2. Textbook

3. Paper generate (own cost)

* Video available for all maximum subjects like below.

– Maths, Science, Social science, English, Hindi, Gujarati, Kallol, Kalarav

– And also provided some commercial videos like Economics, Stat, Account, S.P, B.A

– Remaining subject data will also be coming soon. Wait for a few days.

*Textbooks available for all major subjects like below.

– Maths, Science, Social science, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Kalarav, Kallol,.

– Commercial textbooks like Economics, Stat, Account, S.P, B.A

– And also science related textbook like chemistry, physics, Maths, Biology, English, Sanskrit.

– some Material for 11th and 12th art also provide.

Note – videos and textbooks only available for Gujarati medium students.

* Exam paper Generate (Payable)

– Most of the subjects are in the Exam Paper Generate like

1. Maths, Social science, English, Science for standard 6 to 10(Gujarati Medium)

2. State, Economic, B.A for STD 11 commerce (Gujarati Medium)

3. Account, S.P, Stat, Economic, B.A. for STD 12 commerce (Gujarati Medium)

4. Most of the topics related to arts are present.

Unique personality

5. Science for standard 7 to 10 (English Medium)

6. Social science for standard 9 to 10(English Medium)

7. Maths only for STD 10th English medium students

8. Economics and B.A for standard 11 and 12

9. Stat and Gujarati for standard 12

* The English Medium will also be coming soon.

* Our other application link is also included in it.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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