GSRTC Conductor Result 2021
GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2021 : Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation, GSRTC Recently Released the Conductor Result 2021 Declare Advt. No. GSRTC/201920/32, Candidates Download the GSRTC Conductor Final Result 2021 PDF Given Below Article Or Official Website Of GRTC.
Advt. No. GSRTC/201920/32
OMR Exam Date : 05.09.2021
Matter of publishing final merit list for conducting OMR based objective written examination to fill vacancies through direct recruitment in conductor level.
The method of calculating the temporary merit list weightage of the candidates prepared for OMR based objective examination of the conductor level of the corporation and the list of category wise i.e. cut off merit Marks has been published on the website of the corporation on 18.03.2021.
None of the objections are eligible to be accepted. The final merit list of the candidates eligible to appear in the written examination for the purpose of OMR based level has been published on the website of the Corporation on 27.04.2021 which the candidates should take note of.
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