Friday, October 20, 2023

Thunderstorm forecast again by Weather in Gujarat

Thunderstorm forecast again by Weather in Gujarat

Thunderstorm forecast again by Weather.

We know that now the rainy season is over, but storms are often predicted by weather forecasters. Then once again the storm has been predicted by the meteorological department. We know that a few months ago there was a storm called biporjoy. Then once again the rain system has been activated in the Arabian Sea.

Navratri festival is currently going on. In Navratri, sportsmen are playing with passion. Good news for sportsmen and farmers. The Meteorological Department has predicted that a low pressure has formed in the Arabian Sea. Due to this low pressure, a storm may develop on the coast of Gujarat.

On one hand, the festival of Navli Navratri has arrived and on the other hand, the Meteorological Department has predicted that a strong system is becoming active in the Arabian Sea. This system may turn into a cyclonic storm along the coast of Gujarat. However, many arguments are going on whether this storm will hit the coast of Gujarat or not.

ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી વાંચવા – અહી ક્લિક કરો

Some weather experts have also speculated that the system forming in the Arabian Sea may turn into a cyclone. Unseasonal rain is likely in some parts of Gujarat. Strong winds and hail are possible. These weather experts have expressed the possibility of unseasonal rain in Saurashtra-Kutch, North Gujarat and Central Gujarat.

from Aapanu Gujarat :: An Official Website
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